Tuesday 5 February 2013

PEEEEERVVS!!!! First off, let me say how much I love the Righteous Pervs. The group is so much fun to be a part of, even when I don't have a ton of time to play around. I love to stop by and check on the posts, the hot dudes, the funny stufff. It always brightens my day.
So, here I am with a guest spot on the RP blog, and I figured, why not talk about my latest project. Look. I don't just write books, I create projects. My first novel, The Rake And The Recluse is illustrated. FULLY illustrated. Around 100 images included. Photographs. So when I say project, I mean... undertaking of epic proportions. The latest project is just another in the long line of ridiculousness that surrounds me on a daily basis. I'm recording the audio book for TRATR. SO. I decided, since I never go the easy way, why not do it up right? Everyone LOOOVES Derek, the man who portrays both brothers in my book, so why not put his voice to the grind and make him vocalize the men he has made so visually famous?
Oh... you need to be reminded who D is?

YEAH!!! Oh dear.
There was one rule of TRATR as far as D was concerned. He was NOT allowed to read my book. Ever. He was going to read my book. Aloud. With me. In the same room. Oh dear God shoot me whose idea WAS THIS ANYWAY!?!?!?! *dies*
Goodness sakes. Look, D is my best friend. He and I have experienced quite a bit together, between shoots and trips and whatnot, but fake sex?!!? NO. NONONONONONO. NO. This wasn't some place I wanted to go with him! But... here we go.
So I flew out to California on January 16th, we had one week to get this sucker in the bag.

D picked me up at the airport...

We built the studio

        We started recording.
And kept recording. Whenever D wasn’t training clients. We were in the box. It seriously got a bit nerve wracking.
After recording for a few days, it became PAINFULLY obvious that a week wasn't going to cut it. My book is over 230K. It's estimated at about 24 hours, for the audio. SO yeah, lots of talking, and that doesn't include retakes.
Something else happened. A cricket. Now, I hate spiders, creepy crawlies freak me out, but crickets? They don't bother me any unless they hop in my tea. This damned ridiculous bug was IN THE WALL. Not on the other side of the studio wall, not under the studio lining, INSIDE the wall. Cricketing. *critch* *critch* *critch* *critch* and OMFG we had to stop the recording because it was so loud. It was bad. Super bad.

        *Eff you cricket*
We termed it #CricketInterruptus on twitter. And I cussed a blue streak. Probably a green one and a red one as well.
So I extended my trip by a week, and then another two days. I got home on the 31st. I hit the wall so hard I wasn't sure I would even be able to get on the plane.
But we got it done. I also learned to walk again, and we went to the gym every single day, and D cooked healthy food and I even learned to cook a bit as well.
One night we got so burned out, and the cricket made a reappearance so we drove to the coast under the full moon and watched the surf. It was beautiful.


        Sometimes even the soundwaves looked dirty.
That’s the story. I got to hang with D and his buddy James, together, they’re known as Renegade Fitness California.

        I actually got to take some pics of D on the last day. And I got to see the beach, during daylight.
If you want to see the crazy audio outtakes, and even a couple videos come visit my youtube channel here: http://www.youtube.com/illustratedromance.

D really has a beautiful voice. I guess it goes along with the pretty muscles.
Talk to ya tomorrow!!


  1. Great Blog Jenn !! I can't wait to hear the audio version :)

    1. Thanks Tina!! I just read it, I sound a little manic!! OMG that trip was pure insanity!! :)


  2. I love D. Well, I love him from your pictures and stories. Sounds like a great adventure, wish I could meet him one day. Looking forward to chat. :-D Love you, and hope you've recovered from your adventure.

    1. Haha Sheri!! I'm sure you'll get to meet him one day, we get around :) thank you!!!


  3. Thanks for sharing. The cricket must have driven you crazy. Cheers for sharing the reminder photo too. Talk tomorrow..

    1. Hi Cherie!! Yeah. Crickets are supposed to be lucky...which makes it that much MORE difficult to hate them. grrrr....

  4. OMG! Haha. This is awesome.

  5. OMG this blog is a riot!! Loved the photos! Now what exactly was being said/done to get the sound waves to look like that? LOL

    1. Hahahaaaa!!! I have no idea! I should go back and find it.

