Wednesday 2 April 2014

The Dedicated Follower

Wow, that makes me sound like a lemming. If you don’t know what one is, Google will help you out. By being a dedicated follower, I mean I follow authors. Yes, in a stalkerish way. (Yes, Merriam-Webster, I do make up my own words so Nanananana!)

Have you guessed what today’s blog is about? Yes, you are right it is about authors.

Let’s start with how I became a dedicated follower. Luna Wildwood said Stalker sounded bad so she told me that I was a dedicated follower. Therefore, I am going to stick with that. Anyway, I was never really a dedicated follower of anyone till about 20 years ago. I am not sure how my stalk... I mean my following began.

I have always been a voracious reader. I would pick up any book that caught my eye and read it then move on to the next one. I don’t know what author triggered my obsession with collecting, but I found myself just buying books by certain authors. I know I missed a lot of good authors but I can now say I have a complete collection of Connie Mason, Hannah Howell, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Sandra Hill and even Tom Clancy. Between these author’s new books, I would still read others, but they never triggered the need to buy their entire back lists.

Then it happened, and I know I have told this story so if you have heard it, suck it up.
One of my favorite people in the world, Bonnie Hoffmaster, sent me Decadent by Shayla Black for my birthday. I became hooked on Shayla’s writing and started collecting her backlist. This also introduced me to erotic romance.  I then joined Kris Cook’s chats where I actually was able to talk to the authors. This drew me in like a bear to honey. I first bought all of Kris’s books, which at the time was Three to Play and Perfection. This was one of the easiest collections to gather. I then started on Melissa Schroeder. Wow, that woman can write fast. As I was getting my collection of Melissa, I started buying several authors who regularly attended chat. My bookshelves started to get out of control. I would buy them all in print when I could find them. If they were just in ebook form then I would buy them and buy the print book later when it became available. My book shelves started to groan. I always tried to buy at least one book by every author that came to chat. Not all of them triggered my buying obsession but a few did.

I think one of the reasons that I started collecting author’s work is because of Facebook. When authors connect with you, it makes you want to support them. Other times, it makes you want to run screaming. But that is another tale to be told later. Anyway, I don’t just collect the books of author’s I talk to but it does help if they are personable and genuine in their comments and interaction.

Back to the original subject. Damn my blog ADD.

I have a huge collection of books now on my shelves and my bank account hisses at me when I go to a book seller site, but I have lots of pretties to pet and more importantly read.

Do you collect author’s work or are you a  “if it catches my eye” kind of reader? Whose books do you collect? Is there a reason you collect certain authors?

Sinfully Sarcastic,


  1. I am a collector for sure. I have all of Nora Roberts books nearly some of her new ones I only have in E format because they are over 40 dollars to buy in Paperback. I also have all of Cherise sinclair Shadowlands books and Nalini Singh Angels series too. Christine feehan is another of my loves. I love having a book collections of my fave authors the only reason that I don't have more is that NZ doesn't get many American erotic novels and the cost can be expensive

    1. I haven't read Nora in years. I may try and go back find some of her early stuff to reread. I really need to get back to reading more. This funk has gone on way too long.

    2. Yes yes it has become time to tell the funk to f**k off. I like her JD Robb series too. Most are great with a few okay I will read it once type of books. I have really got into audio books lately, so I have some of my fave authors on Audio too.

    3. I have a few on audio too but most of the time I like to actually read. I have not tried the JD books. I am tired of this funk but I will try once again this weekend.

  2. I am a DF. It started in 9th grsde when I read my first Bertrice Small book. I couldn't buy the rest of her books fast enough. Since I have been following authors on FB book it has gotten worse. I love when they take the time to talk with us. With Lexi I am one of the two Diana's and it is great and yes I have everybook under both names that she has wrote.
